In a report published on Wednesday, analysts commented, "Apple is feeling the pressure," pointing out that the tech giant's recent gains have been entirely wiped out, undoing the momentum it gained during the post-election rebound. Adding to the mix, popular tech leaker MajinBuOfficial shared real-life images of the iPhone 17 series’ back panels, sparking widespread discussion. The design, featuring a fresh horizontal rear camera layout, aligns with earlier rumors. While some consider the design an exciting change, reactions have been notably divided, with critics questioning its necessity and others praising Apple for pushing boundaries. Mixed Reception to the iPhone 17 Design The horizontal camera design represents a departure from the vertical or square module styles seen in recent mode
Apple Earnings Looming: How Do You View Analysts' Downgrade?
Last quarter: AAPL sales rose 6%, while earnings beat analyst expectations. This quarter: Analysts see earnings growth of about 8% from the year-earlier period, according to LSEG. Apple comes into this week’s report following two notable downgrades last week, one from Jefferies and the other from Loop Capital. ------------------ What do analysts' downgrade before earnings imply? Can Apple achieve 8% earnings growth? Will Apple fall below $200? How do you expect Apple earnings?
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