
    • graceteahgraceteah
    • graceteahgraceteah
      [财迷]  [财迷]  [财迷]  

      [Options Strategy] Is Apple worth buying ahead of earnings?

      Options show that the market has high expectations for AppleApple $Apple(AAPL)$ , which reports on Nov. 2, is expected to report revenue of $8.931 billion, up from $8.18 billion in the previous quarter, and earnings per share are expected to be $1.39. That's up from $1.26 in the previous quarter.Because Apple has met or exceeded revenue and earnings per share expectations in three of the last four quarters, coupled with the iPhone 15 release, the market's expectations for this earnings report are higher.While Apple shares are well off their highs for the year, the stock is still up more than 30% this year. The 2023 Apple price opened at $130.28 and has been steadily rising for most of the year, peaking at $198.23 on July 19. But it is currently tr
      [Options Strategy] Is Apple worth buying ahead of earnings?
    • graceteahgraceteah
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    • graceteahgraceteah

      Hot stocks covered call reference [April 6]

      Selling covered call options (sell covered call) is a strategy adopted by many large funds. It can also be used by retail investors in the US stock market.You can get income while holding it. This strategy is very suitable for stocks that have long-term positions, but they have not moved but they are not in a bearish position recently or are in a bearish position recently. It can be a good strategy for mature investors to roll over when holding some targets for a long time. Income comparison Assume that investors hold 200 shares of Amazon from January 1 to December 17, 2021 If there is no operation during the holding period, the final total assets will be USD 675,484 If the covered call strategy is carried out, it will be operated once a week; if 100 shares are sold after the exercise, ano
      Hot stocks covered call reference [April 6]
    • graceteahgraceteah
      @Sheila Dan
      TSLA 特斯拉 股票價格走勢的分析 2023年04月05日(第397期) #Tesla #K線技術分析From Youtube:
      TSLA 特斯拉 股票價格走勢的分析 2023年04月05日(第397期) #Tesla #K線技術分析From Youtube:
    • graceteahgraceteah
      Ng is still at 2$ but Boil went down by 30% in the last month from 4.4 to 3.3 ..super bearishSeason 2 Chris GIF by Parks and RecreationRemember, demand will go lower during warmer months, as there will be less of a need for heating. Furthermore, you also have to worry about a slowing economy in the United States, which of course will drive down demand for natural gas-producing electricity.nobody uses gas for energy anymore wind and solar is the future They’ve been telling you this for years They’re literally banning it’s use in states
      Ng is still at 2$ but Boil went down by 30% in the last month from 4.4 to 3.3 ..super bearishSeason 2 Chris GIF by Parks and RecreationRemember, demand will go lower during warmer months, as there will be less of a need for heating. Furthermore, you also have to worry about a slowing economy in the United States, which of course will drive down demand for natural gas-producing electricity.nobody uses gas for energy anymore wind and solar is the future They’ve been telling you this for years They’re literally banning it’s use in states
    • graceteahgraceteah

      金錢是我的朋友,我做的投資的價值 每天都在增長。成功和金錢 在此時此地陪伴着我。

      @但是我可以肯定跟你讲这个是我肯定 如果你肯用心去学习什么是投资的话你不可能是穷人
      金錢是我的朋友,我做的投資的價值 每天都在增長。成功和金錢 在此時此地陪伴着我。 金錢是我的朋友,我做的投資的價值每天都在增長。 成功和金錢在此時此地陪伴着我。 從今天起與金錢開始一個新的關係。 “我真寫全名就 (KWAN CHEE TUCK ) (真寫姓氏,KWAN) 對於我的繁榮和成長、滿足和豐盛來說, 金錢是好的、純淨的、有用的和必需的。 金錢爲我的生命帶來積極正面的事物。 我在生命中所體驗到的成功爲我和我愛的人們帶來金錢和幸福快樂。 我值得繁榮昌盛的發展和擁有很多錢。 金錢是我的朋友,我做的投資的價值 每天都在增長。成功和金錢 在此時此地陪伴着我。 我邀請我的那些生活在金錢匱乏中的父母、祖父母和祖先們祝福我, 因爲我選擇和他們不一樣的人生。 我邀請我的那些生活在豐盛富足、繁榮昌盛中的父母、 祖父母和祖先們啓發我,給 我靈感。
      金錢是我的朋友,我做的投資的價值 每天都在增長。成功和金錢 在此時此地陪伴着我。
    • graceteahgraceteah


      投資界消息,近日,國內領先的光量子計算公司“玻色量子”完成了億元級新一輪融資,由北京中移數字新經濟產業基金、華控基金聯合領投,盈富泰克、朝科創等機構跟投。資金將持續用於公司實用化光量子計算平臺的研發、產品化和市場拓展。本次中移基金等產業方資本的加持也將助力加速公司光量子計算平臺的實用化應用落地。“玻色量子”成立兩年以來已完成四輪融資。 成立於2020年11月,“玻色量子”致力於可擴展、可編程的光量子計算平臺研發和量子計算應用落地。基於“1+3”通用光量子系統架構拓撲,公司已完成光量子的穩定製備、光量子的精密測量和穩定控制等數十項核心技術的自主創新和專利佈局,實現了光量子計算核心器件、關鍵組件的自主研發;並於2022年完成第一代“天工光量子計算驗證平臺”的實體工程機研發,率先面向金融、交通、生物醫藥、通信等多領域客戶及合作伙伴,推出量子計算+行業應用解決方案,推動實用化光量子計算在多個行業的場景驗證。 2022年,玻色量子完成自主知識產權的相干光量子計算機平臺“天工量子大腦”硬件研發,在超過100個節點的Max-Cut圖問題上,獲得了相比經典計算機3個數量級以上的算力優勢,該平臺也是國內目前稀缺的可就真實商業化問題進行真機場景驗證測試的量子計算平臺。平臺具備四大核心優勢:1)實用光量子計算比特數量跨越100;2)可在室溫穩定運行、設備體積較小;3)軟件可編程性和算法適配性好,普通算法工程師即可使用;4)短期內可以實現工程化和實用化。 玻色量子第一代光量子計算機平臺 場景驗證是硬科技的最佳“試金石”。 在金融領域,“玻色量子”在金融領域與光大科技、華夏銀行,平安銀行等金融領軍企業達成合作,重點展開風險信用評估、投資組合優化等場景的應用探索,已與光大科技、北京量子院聯合發佈了量子計算投資組合產品“天工經世量子計算量化策略平臺”,基於真實數據運行量子優化算法,用於解決投資組合配比的
    • graceteahgraceteah
    • graceteahgraceteah
      做網紅就一定被懟, 怕懟就不要做網紅, 這是誰規定的?#shorts # 打擊網絡暴力
      做網紅就一定被懟, 怕懟就不要做網紅, 這是誰規定的?#shorts # 打擊網絡暴力

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