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      Tesla Is Turning Cars Into Phones. Other Car Makers Better Catch On.

      Cars are slowly becoming less about hardware and more about software. That shift has the power to ch
      Tesla Is Turning Cars Into Phones. Other Car Makers Better Catch On.
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      The price of meat this Memorial Day Weekend may cause you to reach for the veggie burgers

      'Meat prices are often more volatile than some other food price categories' Will you be putting baco
      The price of meat this Memorial Day Weekend may cause you to reach for the veggie burgers
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      4 只熱門新加坡房地產開發商股票值得關注

      @Alvin Chow
      凱德集團近期的分拆似乎給新加坡地產股票注入了新的生命力。在凱德集團佔據頭條同時,其他一些地產股票也出現成交量和股價雙雙上漲。4只房地產開發商股票成交量大增2021年 3月 25日,房地產開商$鴻福實業(H30.SI)$ 的股價一天內上漲 25%。許多投資者將原因歸功於《商業時報》發表的一篇文章,不過,具體原因已無法考證。$華聯企業有限公司(LJ3.SI)$ 曾是一隻房地產開發商龍尾股,不過從 2021年 3月 25日開始,股價和成交量均大幅增長。$國浩房地產有限公司.(F17.SI)$ 是新加坡最高建築的開發商,該公司股票自 2021年 3月 26日開始受到市場追捧。此外,傳慎控股(新交所股票代碼:T24) 2021年 3月 26日成交量和股價也雙雙大漲。我感覺有一種趨勢正在醞釀之中,正在關注這一現象是否會擴展到新加坡其他房地產開發商股票,是否有借勢獲利的機會。新加坡主要房地產開發商股票業績下表是新加坡主要房地產開發商股票的年初迄今(2021年 3月 29日)業績及其對應指標。除 Frasers Property外,大多數房地產開發商在 2021年都獲得正收益。實際上,14只股票中的 8只錄得至少 10%的回報率。房地產行業再次升溫。儘管到目前股價上漲,但許多房地產股票的市淨率依然低於 1。有幾隻股票的估值甚至更低,市淨率低於 0.5。如果此次房地產再度升溫爲真,那麼房地產股票依然有很大的復甦空間。房地
      4 只熱門新加坡房地產開發商股票值得關注
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      Tech Stock Crash -- Buy These 2 Growth Stocks on the Dip

      Tech stocks have taken a hit. Now looks like a good time to buy a few growth stocks with great potential.
      Tech Stock Crash -- Buy These 2 Growth Stocks on the Dip
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      Samsung Elec to invest $17 bln in new chip foundry in u.s.-Blue House

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      Samsung Elec to invest $17 bln in new chip foundry in u.s.-Blue House
    • BosschewBosschew
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      Highest bid for Blue Origin's maiden voyage US$2.6 million and climbing

      An online bid for a seat aboard Blue Origin's first crewed spaceflight was going for US$2.6 million on Wednesday afternoon (May 19) as the company prepares to blast off this summer.
      Highest bid for Blue Origin's maiden voyage US$2.6 million and climbing
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    • BosschewBosschew

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