Dewo wicaksono

Dewo wicaksono

    • Dewo wicaksonoDewo wicaksono

      DAY 11 Education : The Five Market Factors of Stock Analysis

      Hey, tigers:Today is our last day of "Learn US financial statements".Review First: US Stock Financial Statements for BeginnersIn this article, I mainly introduce: The five market factors of stock analysis.In the previous article, you learned a lot of valuable information, and you mastered a method for trading stocks by combining analysis of company financial reports with stock valuations;So, besides financial reports and valuations, what other factors affect the price of a stock?In this article, I'm going to show you the "Big Five", the five rudimentary factors, that affect stock trading in the real world.1. Fundamentals Fundamentals can be divided into two types:The first type is micro-fundamentals. For
      DAY 11 Education : The Five Market Factors of Stock Analysis

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