
    • tacotacotacotaco

      期權心得 001 ; 期權,有如“租”生意。

      $ARK Innovation ETF(ARKK)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $奈飛(NFLX)$ $Sea Ltd(SE)$ 大概五年前,我剛接觸股票時,經常在個個論壇看到說,價值投資是四十歲以上的中年大叔纔會做的事,才能做的事。當時理解不了,最近理解了。隨着我年齡漸漸接近40歲,我剛剛看了下,我這個月總共做了15筆交易,雖然勝率不大,但是僥倖算是沒虧。其實,若論起來,不是15筆,應該是三筆交易,並且遠沒有結束,之前只是倒倉,還在繼續持有,那就是 ARKK,奈飛和Sea。 萬幸,拿住了,沒在低點離場。 留在牌桌上,是我對自己最基本的追求 期權,有如“租”生意。 不知道大家有沒有想過,或者聽說過“租”生意,我聽說過。 我創業過,而且是多次創業。目前也還在做生意。最近,我有一點感悟,或者說有一點焦慮,故事的起源是。我在新西蘭的奧克蘭市,生活。我的一個老前輩,他是柬埔寨人。他有一間很大的亞洲超市,大概是奧克蘭市第二間亞洲超市(有蔬菜,雜貨和肉檔)。他的流水,利潤在當年都是很驚人的。在2010年前後,大概吧,有人開價150萬紐幣左右的價格想買他的生意,但當時生意正是興旺時,他大概有55歲左右吧,當時他還幹得動。他沒有賣。到了2020年前後,他老了,想退休了,這時候,他的店周圍開了大概三間類似的大型超市,
      期權心得 001 ; 期權,有如“租”生意。
    • tacotacotacotaco
      Sofi finance report count down 5 days. 
    • tacotacotacotaco


      週五中港股市氣勢磅礴,以至於很多中港股民認爲徹底見底了,牛市要來了,滬指4000點指日可待。券商的客戶經理們和銀行的客戶經理們,又開始熱情起來,紛紛轉發各類利好,朋友圈裏利好滿天飛。但是,我這裏要潑一盆冷水:希望越大失望越大。中國股民與中國球迷的悲催處境是一模一樣的,中國球迷盼着男足和女足贏球,結果關鍵比賽全輸了。中國股民盼着股市大漲,結果關鍵的時點,全跌了。如果正常發展,週五可能白漲了,對消息的過度解讀,造成了“大利好”,當所謂的“大利好”公佈了,其實也不是什麼大事,下週迴歸理性,恐怕要遭殃了。下面是我的解讀,請大家參考: 1.週四香港特首參加一次晚宴,口頭表達了對香港證券的一些觀點,看似是利好,但並未形成書面規章制度。並且從香港的辦事效率看,甚至很可能會出現如同內地,允許散戶買零股似的,讓股民及其失望的“利好”。 2.中美要成立兩個工作組。兩個小組對標的美國機構都是美國財政部。美聯儲太獨立了,都不稀罕管這事。這一項“大利好”還直接與美國有關。但美股表現太差,做實了一根光頭周陰線。美國感覺這兩個小組都不是個事,沒什麼波瀾。當中港股投資者看到美股週五拉垮的表現後,下週他們必然會迴歸理性,逢高套現,落袋爲安。週五夜盤的A50期指與恆生期指回落,明顯有理性迴歸落袋爲安的特點。 關鍵的一點,是這兩個“大利好”並沒有吸引真正的外資機構,原因在於人民幣匯率並沒有出現大幅增值。要知道7月25日中港股大漲,有人民幣增值一個月的基礎,外資確實兌換了一些人民幣,並且導致陸股通在8月1日創下了1.98萬億的淨買入新高。但如今是1.86萬億,流出1200億左右,並且人民幣在9月22日
    • tacotacotacotaco
    • tacotacotacotaco
      $Snap Inc(SNAP)$  im bet report is no going well m
    • tacotacotacotaco

      SoFi's All-In-One Moat: Best Of Breed And Better Together

      I set out earlier this year to answer the most common bear arguments against investing in SoFi Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOFI). So far I've coveredstock-based compensationand dilution,dependency on studentloans, andbalance sheet, profitability, and free cash flow. All that is left is to answer the moaters – those who say that SoFi lacks a competitive advantage and that everything they do can be easily replicated (i.e., SoFi has no moat).I quickly realized as I started writing that I had far too much material to fit into one single article. So I'm going to break this up into two parts. Today we will talk about the customer-facing products they offer. Next time I will delve into the most misunderstood part of SoFi’s business, which also happens to be the hardest to replicate: their technolo
      SoFi's All-In-One Moat: Best Of Breed And Better Together
    • tacotacotacotaco

      SoFi: Buy Before Federal Student Loan Repayment Pause Is Lifted

      SoFi posted an amazing Q2 2022 and hit the 4.3 million member milestone. US President Joe Biden extended the Federal Student Loan Repayment Pause until December 31st and I expect SoFi to generate much-needed student loan revenue in January 2023. The company signed NFL QB Justin Herbert to a 3-year deal to promote the SoFi app and will push towards 5 million members by the end of the year. SoFi Technologies Acquires Technisys SA For $1.1 Billion SoFi$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ is my favorite cheap fintech stock to buy right now as SoFi shares trade just above key $5 support levels. So much has changed since I posted my previous article on a potential SoFi short squeeze during the Super Bowl.SoFi shares are down 60% YTD since then and now is a
      SoFi: Buy Before Federal Student Loan Repayment Pause Is Lifted
    • tacotacotacotaco
      $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$So bad. Each time got good report but cannot fight the current market.Bad luck. But no drop how to buy more.😎😎😎
    • tacotacotacotaco
      A great article. 

      Stock Market Plunge: 3 Beaten-Down Growth Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever

      By Will Healy, Danny Vena, and Brian Withers KEY POINTS The market doesn't like that this e-commerce specialist is spending billions to enhance its platform, handing patient investors an opportunity. A common misconception makes this digital advertiser a bargain. Investors can own this emerging banking and fintech enterprise at a considerable discount thanks to falling stock prices. These stocks hold the potential to disrupt industries and earn outsize returns. Perhaps no type of stock has suffered more thangrowth tech stocks. The Ark Innovation ETF, which invests most of its assets in this sector, has dropped by over two-thirds from its 2021 high, and a few individual stocks have fallen by more than 90%. Unfortunately, such conditions make investing painful for even the most sea
      Stock Market Plunge: 3 Beaten-Down Growth Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever
    • tacotacotacotaco
      $Lithium Americas Corp.(LAC)$ The honorable Judge Du sided with Lithium Americas again today and ordered that Lithium Nevada's motion to strike (ECF No.80) is granted. The Clerk of Court is directed to strike the fugitive document filing from the environmental plaintiffs (ECF No.74). GO LAC!!Credit to : @SL276888

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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.
