
    • GsueohavGsueohav


      前言: 各平臺618大促全面啓動,5月31日晚間, $京東集團-SW(09618)$ 618節銷售火爆,其中美的、海爾、小米、格力、Apple等品牌成交瞬間破億。 阿里巴巴天貓方面也表示,今年參加天貓“618”的商家及商品規模再創新高。 TVB“港姐”帶貨最終全場銷售額突破1億人民幣,累計觀看人次近1000萬。 拼多多百億補貼狂撒50億優惠券,打造史上最實惠618大促。 618來襲,阿里、京東、拼多多等戰況怎麼樣?會有投資機會嗎? 正文: 618大促是中國電商行業的一項重要促銷活動,阿里巴巴、京東、拼多多等平臺都會在此期間推出大量優惠促銷活動。 雖然,從上述股票走勢日K圖中,我們看到前期各家走勢迥異,但最近都有不同程度的反彈。 其中,電視購物最瘋狂,上週五單日,股票直接飆升47.63%。TVB直播人真是每一次都給我們驚喜! 我們先來梳理一下各平臺的戰況和可能的投資機會: 1,阿里巴巴(天貓):阿里巴巴在618期間通常規模龐大,吸引了衆多商家和消費者參與。 今年阿里巴巴表示商家及商品規模再創新高,預計交易量會有顯著增長。對於散戶而言,關注阿里巴巴的股票表現和相關合作夥伴的業績可能是一個投資機會。 2,京東:京東在618大促期間也表現出色,據報道京東集團-SW 618節銷售火爆,多個知名品牌成交瞬間破億。 京東在電商行業有一定的市場份額,其強大的物流系統和品牌認可度使其成爲投資者關注的對象之一。 3,拼多多:拼多多一直以低價策略和社交電商的模式受到消費者青睞,百億補貼和優惠券的撒發也吸引了大量用戶。 拼多多在618大促期間通常會推出大量的優惠活動,可能會吸引更多用戶的參與。對於散戶而言,可以關注拼多多的業績表現和用戶增長情況。 總結: 618大促對於電商平臺來說是一個重要的銷售節點,有可能帶
    • GsueohavGsueohav

      Stock Persona Method: Tesla and Apple as cases

      @Alice Arnault
      Follow me @Alice Arnault for less fluff A lot of us would use user persona, product persona etc, this is the same for stocks as well. In this case Stock persona refers to the specific characteristics and behavioral patterns of a stock, which reflect its performance in the market and how investors perceive it. It can involve factors such as volatility, stability, growth potential, and value attributes. Understanding stock persona helps you to choose some stocks suitable for oneself and requires research and analysis. Here are some methods to understand it 1. Study the company's fundamentals: Understand the company's financial condition, profitability, competitive advantages, etc. These factors can help you assess the company'
      Stock Persona Method: Tesla and Apple as cases
    • GsueohavGsueohav

      Newbie's Blog: Electric Vehicles: Not yet at its peak?

      @Jo Tan
      Even as Tesla reaches new highs in this few months, I prefer to hold on to it. It is part of the many EV stocks I am slowly accumulating. Why? The numbers of EVs in Singapore was 6500 and currently increasing. The government in Singapore is pushing for this iniative "Power Every Move", as part of the Singapore Green Plan, to replace all ICEs cars (internal combustion engines cars) with EVs by 2040. This effort also includes not only EVs, but charging stations as well, where there is a target to set up 60000 charging points by 2030. They plan to set up these points in every town by 2025. The green iniative does not only stop at cars, but public buses as well, where Singapore has started to trial Electric Buses, aiming to replace 400 of them by 2025. Looking at this green push, I have no dou
      Newbie's Blog: Electric Vehicles: Not yet at its peak?
    • GsueohavGsueohav

      How will Chinese ADRs Perform? Know the History, Risks, Cycles, Opportunities Now

      Hi Tigers, This article mainly focuses on Chinese ADRs with four major risks, two positive perspectives from both China and US market, Long term and shortterm outlooks, when the bear market will ends and how to choose potential winners during recession.Disclamer: The opinions in this article are for exchange only. If you have more questions to this article, welcome to write your comment, Thanks."We're not looking to decouple from China. We're looking to reduce risk and diversify our relationship with China," U.S. President Joe Biden told a news conference after the G7 leaders' summit on Sunday. The G7 group has reached an agreement on China, and Biden has hinted that he may soon meet with the Chinese president.The communication with China and easing of relations are bound to be necessary a
      How will Chinese ADRs Perform? Know the History, Risks, Cycles, Opportunities Now

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