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      Hot stocks covered call reference [May 19]

      Selling covered call options (sell covered call) is a strategy adopted by many large funds. It can also be used by retail investors in the US stock market.You can get income while holding it. This strategy is very suitable for stocks that have long-term positions, but they have not moved but they are not in a bearish position recently or are in a bearish position recently. It can be a good strategy for mature investors to roll over when holding some targets for a long time. Income comparison Assume that investors hold 200 shares of Amazon from January 1 to December 17, 2021 If there is no operation during the holding period, the final total assets will be USD 675,484 If the covered call strategy is carried out, it will be operated once a week; if 100 shares are sold after the exercise, ano
      Hot stocks covered call reference [May 19]
    • MavetanoMavetano
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      01 甚麼是ETF?ETF,就是Exchange-Traded Fund的簡稱,即「交易所買賣基金」,顧名思義就是可以在證券交易所進行買賣的基金。ETF是一種指數投資工具,通過複製標的指數來構建跟蹤指數變化的組合證券,使得投資者通過買賣一種產品就實現了一攬子證券的交易。簡單來説,買入一隻ETF,就等同買入ETF投資組合內的所有產品。ETF的買賣方式跟一般股票無異,投資者可在交易時間內透過經紀進行買賣。02 主動型及被動型ETF一般來說,ETF有「被動型」和「主動型」兩種。被動型ETF旨在跟蹤相關指數,可以是股市、區域性或全球性股市,或者是特定行業的指數,也可以跟蹤資產,例如債券或商品。被動型ETF又稱為跟蹤指數ETF。主動型ETF不會跟蹤任何相關指數,但會投資於一籃子股票、債券、及/或其他資產例如貨幣市場工具的投資組合,以尋求實現其投資目標。為了優於市場或其基準,基金經理通常會主動管理主動型ETF的相關資產。03 香港ETF的誕生背景及發展現狀1998年8月,香港政府因亞洲金融風暴在十個交易日內於公開市場以1,180億港元買入33種恆指成份股,以穩定聯繫匯率,擊退國際炒家。1998年10月,香港特區政府成立了外匯基金投資有限公司,其功能之一為就該投資組合以一個有秩序的方式沽售提供意見。在選擇沽售方案時,香港特區政府選擇了一個對股票市場造成最少影響的中性方案。最終,以交易所買賣基金為結構的盈富基金於1999年11月成立,成為香港特區政府沽售計劃的第一步。此方案不單能符合以上的要求,還有助擴充香港資本市場的空間。1999年11月,港府把購買的港股以盈富基金上市,分批售回市場。當時,盈富基金以333億港元(大約 43 億美元)的規模發行,為當時亞洲(日本除外)最大型的首次公開發售。透過盈富基金的首次公開發售及其後的持續發售機制
    • MavetanoMavetano
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      BABA Q4: Spinoff won't save Alibaba?

      After hours yesterday, Alibaba $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Alibaba(09988)$ released fourth-quarter results for fiscal year 2023 (corresponding to the first quarter of this year), with mixed data and a 6% drop in share prices.In terms of growth, Alibaba's revenue in the fourth quarter was 208.2 billion yuan, which was lower than the analyst's expectation of 209.2 billion yuan. However, under the condition of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, the net profit greatly exceeded expectations:In the fourth-quarter results, Alibaba described the spinoff plan in strong detail, and the company gave a specific listing time node, perhaps management hopes to rely on the spinoff to improve Alibaba's share price, but mark
      BABA Q4: Spinoff won't save Alibaba?

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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.