Today there is a gap down from the market where you can see from the Japanese market which is down by around 7%. Whenever there is a sharp drop, it will have a rebond when there is no major news from the market. Please use this opportunity to average down your portfolio. Good luck guys
$AAPL 20240119 160.0 CALL$After shorting apple and gain usd9k, we have to buy some call.. because is it a free call!! [Surprised] [Call] [Eye] [NosePick] [Silence]
$ZS 20240119 240.0 CALL$$ZS 20240119 240.0 CALL$ The future is here for cloud data based...Anyone else is with me with a boring life!![Tongue] [Anger] [Cool] [Yummy] [Victory] [Blush] [ShakeHands] [Comfort]
Remember to take some profit along the way as per your game plan, 30/30/20/20 depend on your portfolio. Always save some target bullet for the next opportunities. Investment is not just about entering but knowing how to collect your Investment back as well. If those has yet invested during the "bottom" now is still the good time enter those stock that has the golden cross as per your targeting moving average trend. Trade and run, invest for long. Good luck guys
20% a year is always better than saving money in your bank account. Go for long investment with balance 20% for day trade. 2% as the targeted stop lost per month. --》very important