How to trade alibaba
Alibaba (BABA) is dual-listed in the U.S. (NYSE: BABA) and Hong Kong (HKEX: 9988). The conversion ratio is 1 U.S. share (BABA) = 8 Hong Kong shares (9988).
As of February 10, 2025, the exchange rate is approximately 1 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) = 0.1284 US Dollars (USD).
Today alibaba trades at HK$105.5 in HK exchange. Therefore, 8 times HK$105.50 equals HK$844.00, which converts to approximately $108.41 USD.
Just remember that alibaba US shares should be $3 more than it's HK shares, if it is a lot more than $3, you can take this oppty to sell first and buy back later
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